White Ladies 白衣天使

First In South East Asia!

In respect of safeguarding the dignity of a female deceased member, Nirvana Asia Group is proud to present the first of its kind, ladies-only team to take care of all necessary funeral arrangements throughout. The team features female funeral rites master, embalmer, mortuary make-up artist and master of ceremony to provide the female departed soul with highest possible respect and honor.


富贵集团针对女性往生者的尊严为考量, 首创清一色全程为女性遗体服务。白衣天使将全程处理女性的遗体, 从防腐,洁身,化妆及殓服的工作,绝不让男性接触,触摸甚至观望给予女性往生者至高无上的尊重。


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